Different times

Heidi Andersson and Unidek Condor stand strong with Capital Sports

A match of arm wrestling is something we've all done at one time or another. Some with more success than others. With Sweden's Heidi Andersson, the balance often tipped in her favor. This woman from northern Lapland turned out to be a natural. During long, dark winter evenings she was already beating everyone from her village at just 11 years of age.  

Her parents saw her talent. They decided to help their daughter take up arm wrestling at the national level. The cowshed in which Heidi practised was converted into a gym. She put together her training programme herself. From weightlifting to boxing and from running to rope climbing, the young Swedish built up her strength. Techniques she copied from old film footage of arm-wrestling matches.

Heidi Andersson laat haar spierballen zien
Campaign image Unidek with Heidi Andersson, the strongest woman of Sweden
Heidi Andersson on a snow scooter in Sweden

The approach proved successful. In 9 out of 10 matches, she flattened her opponent within two minutes. In 1999, Heidi won the Swedish Championship, before winning the world title in Tokyo. In the years that follow, she repeats this feat time and again. 

United advantage
In Sweden, Heidi grows to become the face of arm wrestling. Her achievements put her on Unidek's radar. Unidek is a Dutch company that makes insulation boards for roofs, among other things. For the introduction of Unidek Condor, a new generation of elements for pitched roofs, they are looking for a well-known star to put their name to. 

Unidek Condor was developed in close cooperation with architects, property developers, contractors, construction companies, roofers and scientific institutions. The product is therefore not only technically advanced, but also meets the wishes of all parties working with it. Never before have so many advantages been united in one roofing element. 

In the arm
Beautiful, smart, and extremely strong: that is Unidek Condor in a nutshell. The same qualities apply to the then 24-year-old Heidi. Capital Sports snared the five-time world arm-wrestling champion for the introduction of the new Unidek product. She presents the power of Unidek Condor in her very own way during the Bouwbeurs in Utrecht. With this collaboration, the new product immediately stands strong in the market.

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