Capital Sports conquers the world with interactive dvds

Take a leap back in time. Forget about your smartphone, streaming services and social media for a moment. At the beginning of the millennium, the world looked different. We already knew video, but is was nowhere near as advanced as we know it today. That makes the interactive DVDs Capital Sports developed for the KNVB, Willem II, JVC and Sony, among others, even more unique.

Interactive DVDs, you say? Indeed. At the beginning of the DVD era, a DVD contained one film. If you plugged the disc into the DVD player, you could watch that one film. The news that many more technological features were possible had not yet reached the major film companies. But at Capital Sports, we knew. The interactive DVD offered unique possibilities.

Interactieve dvd's voor Willem II
Jatto Ceesay of Willem II in action

Interest from all regions
Those possibilities were first explored for Willem II. The football club from Tilburg knew - and still knows - a loyal fan base. The club wanted to thank them for their support in a playful way. To do so, they knocked on Capital Sports' door. And playful it became. The interactive DVD we developed attracted worldwide attention from Warner, Universal, Sony and the KNVB.

Because what Willem II had - a DVD with highlights from the season, a quiz, behind-the-scenes footage and a karaoke version of the club song - the KNVB wanted too. In the run-up to the European Championship in Portugal in 2004, Capital Sports therefore got the exclusive rights to make DVDs for the KNVB. We made several versions, including match footage and goals, a quiz, a karaoke version of the national anthem and atmospheric footage of the '88 European Championship.

Success outside sport
The success of the world's most interactive football DVDs was unprecedented. In a short time, several hundred thousand copies flew over the counter. Dutch football fans were not only glued to the tube to watch the matches, but also to relive the most beautiful goals again and again via their interactive DVD.

After this success, Hollywood could not be left behind. Warner and Universal called Capital Sports to unravel our secrets. JVC and Sony decided to rely on our expertise, and asked us to create interactive productions for them. With that, the success of these innovative DVDs extended beyond the sports field.

Innovation in IT
We are now more than 20 years further on. DVDs have been banished to the dusty attic room by now. However, what is still in full use is Capital Sports' innovative attitude. Together with our permanent IT partner, we regularly devise and create niche concepts to link sponsorship and sport. In this way, we attract the attention of clients and prospects who are interested in such a concept.

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Join the Club

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