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The perfect sidekick in crypto

Heroes Den Bosch has a true hero status for basketball fans. As a leading company in their industry in Brabant, Anycoin Direct saw a perfect match with this high-level club, also from Brabant. Therefore, the cryptobroker from Veghel has become the official premium partner of Heroes Den Bosch since season 2021-2022. Anycoin Direct paid out the sponsorship amount in Bitcoin. That made Heroes the first basketball team in Europe with such a unique deal. 

Both parties are delighted with the partnership. General Manager of Heroes Den Bosch Stefan Wessels said at the start of the partnership, "Anycoin Direct is a major player in the world of cryptocurrency, a world with numerous opportunities and a promising future. Heroes Den Bosch has the ambition to be at the top of their game not just on the court, but also commercially. Part of their strategy for achieving this is to enter into innovative partnerships. This partnership fits perfectly into that picture."

Players Heroes Den Bosch give each other a hand
Visual activation 3-pointer of the month for Anycoin Direct at Heroes Den Bosch
Visual activation 3-pointer of the month for Anycoin Direct at Heroes Den Bosch

Lennert Vlemmings, COO of Anycoin Direct, shares this enthusiasm: "We are rooted in Brabant and would like to introduce a wide audience to the possibilities of blockchain and cryptocurrency. In addition, collaborations like this make high-level sports possible in the region. We are happy to contribute to that."

Home and away
Fans of Heroes Den Bosch will see Anycoin Direct in various places during and around the club's games. For example, the logo of the cryptobroker appears on the official match shorts of both the home and away outfits. And when one of Heroes' players scores a three-pointer during the game, Anycoin Direct is visible on the LED boarding and large screens in the venue. On social media, followers choose the best three-pointer of that period each month. 

Additionally, when a three-pointer is scored, the 3-point tune sounds through the venue. This tune is the signature checkout sound, ka-ching. To further strengthen the connection between Anycoin Direct and scoring a three-pointer, we also use this sound in the social posts surrounding the election of the best three-pointer of the month. Capital Sports was responsible for developing these ideas. Heroes and Anycoin Direct also worked closely together when celebrating the 10-year anniversary. Players of the club congratulated the cryptobroker in a special video and Capital Sports created a special message for the LED boarding.

About Anycoin Direct

The interest in crypto has grown tremendously in recent years. Anycoin Direct makes buying and selling crypto easy. This is because on this platform you can not only trade crypto, but also ask questions to experts. This makes Anycoin Direct the most customer-friendly crypto platform in Europe. To increase their brand awareness in the Netherlands, Anycoin Direct has partnered with PSV and Heroes Den Bosch in 2021.

Customer-friendliest player
Anycoin Direct was founded by three Dutch friends. In 2013, they set out to buy Bitcoin. Despite their background in IT, that proved easier said than done. So the idea of building their own platform was born. The three of them developed BITPLAATS, a

cryptocurrency exchange where service is key. Before they knew it, it quickly grew into a success. People appreciate the platform's clear explanations and fast help with questions.

To broaden the market, the founders decide to change the name of their platform to Anycoin Direct. This opens the borders to the rest of Europe. And not without results. In 2019, Anycoin Direct welcomes 400,000 users and a little later they grow to become the largest player on the market in Germany. They easily achieve the goal of becoming the most customer-friendly crypto platform. This is evident from the more than 14,000 excellent reviews on Trustpilot.

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